#8SUNDAY Weekend Writing Warriors


Hi friends, it’s one of those horrible days!  I have been locked out of my computer for a while, somehow decided to restore the computer, it mentioned what I would lose and Word or Word files were not on that list and now they’re gone.  I was pretty much done with Esperanza, minus maybe 5000 words and now it’s gone.  😦  I thought I had sent the files to my email as well and they’re also gone!  😦  So sad.  Plus I had tons and tones of really good stuff saved on other projects.  Totally freaking out.  Working like crazy to get my Word to download again now…

Anyhow, now it’s time for WEEKEND WRITING WARRIORS!

Wondering who we are?  We are a fabulous group of individuals that posts 8-10 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we “hop” around and leave comments on each other’s snippets.  We welcome EVERYONE’s comments.~

I’m beginning to work on Esperanza again, let me know what you think.  ❤  (Sharing another picture from Christina’s Quince above.)


Heather, was her name and apparently she was on her third marriage.  I didn’t like the way she looked at Tylen or the way she laughed at all of his jokes, even when he wasn’t making them.  I tried not to show my disgust as I stirred my second Mojito, but I wasn’t very good at masking my emotions.  I excused myself to use the ladies room to compose myself and when I returned, they had returned to the dance floor and were dancing a very sexy version of a popular salsa song, that I had taught him to dance to.  The moment our eyes met, I moved my head in a way to call him over to me, in spite of everyone around us who were intently watching their dance moves.

“What’s wrong?”  Tylen immediately came over to me and asked.

“I’m ready to leave.”  I replied.

“Why?”  Tylen asked before looking down and grabbing his coat after noticing my intense expression.


And that’s it.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Visit my Weekend Writing Warrior friends here.www


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NEVA SQUIRES-RODRIGUEZ | Creating electrifying novels of all genres// // //

About nevasquiresrodriguez

Neva Squires-Rodriguez was born and raised in a neighborhood located on the North Side of Chicago. Mother, Wife, Expert at Multitasking... and now, Author and Columnist for Reflejos Newspaper, Neva creates electrifying stories with a twist. Neva Squires-Rodriguez earned her Masters Degree from National University, a feat which she worked very hard to obtain and says she will work even harder to pay off. She claims to be a typical American, full of dreams that will hopefully get her to a more comfortable lifestyle one day. She says, “God has a plan and I will follow wherever it is that He takes me.”
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9 Responses to #8SUNDAY Weekend Writing Warriors

  1. Kim Magennis says:

    So sorry for your computer woes! Hope you find your files!!

    The green-eyed monster is in the house! Very true to life, Neva, well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ed Hoornaert says:

    Seems like there’s almost more drama in your life than you can deal with. I feel your pain about your lost story. It sends chills down my spine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My sincere sympathy about the lost files! Everyone’s worst nightmare…enjoyed the snippet. At least Tylen is paying attention to her mood!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh nooo! So sorry about your files- hope you can find a way to get them back.

    At least Tylen isn’t throwing a fit about her wanting to leave, though maybe he will later?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. He followed her signals and that’s a good thing. Nice writing here.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. How can Tylen be so unaware??? 🙂 Oy! One more Mojito and it could be ugly.

    I am so, so sorry for your computer issues. Maybe someone can recover your writing on your hard drive? I hope so…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hope you can recover at least some of those files!

    Hmm, yeah, he needs to pay attention to his wife…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey guys, good news, I found a file I sent myself with 25k words, so at least I’m not at ground zero. Thank you guys for your concern, I’m about to make my rounds now. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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